- Tags:: #📚Books, [[Design]] - Author:: [[Don Norman]] - Liked:: 6 - Link:: [The Design of Everyday Things - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Design_of_Everyday_Things) - Source date:: [[2013-11-05]] - Finished date:: [[2019-01-01]] - Cover:: ![[cover_the_design_of_everyday_things.png|100]] ## [[James Reason]]´s [[Swiss Cheese Model of Accidents]]: ![https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkklF9WU8AAwd7Q.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkklF9WU8AAwd7Q.jpg) ^a39a3f (p. 208) ## On [[root cause analysis]] > Why does the root cause analysis stop as soon as a human error is found? (p. 164) ^9de65f > People do tend to blame themselves when they do something that, after the fact, seems inexcusable. "I knew better", is a common comment by those who have erred. **But when someone says, "It was my fault, I knew better", this is not a valid analysis of the problem. That doesn´t help prevent its recurrence (p. 167).** ^3ecd2f ## Double Diamond Model of Design ![The double diamond model of design: a divergence and convergence process for both finding the right problem and finding the right solution.](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*GHjh1NOq2QUNFUuSgy4IwQ.png) (p. 22) ^886491