- Tags:: #📝CuratedNotes , [[Data Architectures]] It is a interesting vision introduced in [[Data Mesh Principles and Logical Architecture]] by [[Zhamak Dehghani]], although the concept evolved in a weird way (https://twitter.com/bernhardsson/status/1426303839230205957?s=20): ![[Pasted image 20221115065053.png|500]] ^7a69fa and it was heavily critiqued ([The Last Thing I'll Ever Say About the Data Mesh - by Pedram Navid - data based](https://pedram.substack.com/p/the-last-thing-ill-ever-say-about?s=09)), specially pointing out that we can have [[DDD]]-style separation by domain also in data within centralized data systems (e.g., the data warehouse). In this sense, I think [[📖 Data Management at Scale]] does a better job at explaining this.